Barefoot at Havelock is a one-of-a-kind eco-friendly resort, where every detail is well-thought to provide you with the most authentic Andaman experience possible. We believe in giving back to the environment and the community that let us be.


Barefoot at Havelock, Resorts in Havelock, Luxury Resorts in Havelock


Literally Barefoot. It begins on arrival, when you are requested to remove your shoes to enter the lobby. The feel of warm wood against bare feet instigates a reconnection to nature and to tradition. Here starts the waning of your city stupor.

Metaphorically Barefoot. The barefoot way of life is a retreat away from the manic digital world. Without TV or WiFi in your room, you can jettison your everyday urban stress and settle comfortably into a rhythm of unwinding on the beach, falling asleep to the mystical sounds of forest and sea at night, and waking up to sweet birdsong each morning.



The jungle of endemic trees we raised across our property gives our resort an aesthetic that derives from the natural beauty of the Andamans. We are built using renewable, natural resources and on stilts to not block the runoff after the rains.

Ornithologists have expressed their delight in spotting over 25 species of birds right outside our rooms. So, at night, we have no pathway lighting, which would disturb the resident owls. You do not have to worry about walking in the dark though, for we provide flashlights.



We leave the village’s water supply system to our neighbours, thanks to our very own mountain springs feeding into a pond. An in-house Reverse Osmosis plant supplies water for drinking and kitchen use. The reject from the RO plant is used for gardening.

We compost organic and garden waste. The food waste is fed into our piggery and the organic compost is used in the garden.



About 85% of our staff are from the local communities of Havelock. We support the local businesses by buying most of the fruits, vegetables, meat, and seafood from the vendors on the island. Others we grow our own.